Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First day of school

First day of school, with the bag full of stationery and the body full of nerves. Chaos. Kids everywhere, desperate to catch up with each other and teachers desperate to tell them what to do and where to go and to be QUIET please.

It's Grade 3. It's First Fleet again, the Noodle tells me. He tells me there was a 114 question survey to determine everyone's learning style. He told his teacher about his neuropathy. In front of every other kid in the class during circle time when they had to say something about themselves. He told a new kid about his eye, and told us how sick he is of people asking about it.

There will be science, and footy clinic and tomorrow he finds out who he will sit next for the rest of the term.

First day of school. 4 down, 8 to go.

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