Saturday, July 25, 2009


For reasons known only to them, the Noodle and his Groodle (which would be the grandparent du jour) are discussing the worst flavours of toothpaste during their very long telephone call.

The child describes the worst potential flavour as 'two-tooth' or 'mutton'. Am quietly stopping myself from chuckling loudly so as not to interrupt the flow. .


aztec-rose said...

The groodle and noodle talk toothpaste. Too cute!

Courtney said...

Mutton flavoured toothpaste?! That IS truly gruesome. That will haunt me like the herring ice cream from the Faraway Tree...

Shayne Parkinson said...

I can think of worse flavours. But that one does sound pretty bad as a toothpaste taste :-)

Wendy said...

I'm hoping it's not a subconcious reaction of what the Noodle thinks of the Groodle